Description: This program works best with very young dogs as it establishes a strong foundation which paves the path to canine adulthood. Starting life off on the right paw is essential to developing a well socialized & obedient member of your family. Without proper training, that cute, lovable bundle of fur can grow into an out-of-control terror. Don’t let that happen. Too many dogs are dropped off at shelters because they didn’t get proper training and owners can no longer deal with destructive & uncontrollable behaviors. That being said, it's also never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks!
This program offers:
Fast Results: Your dog learns directly from a professional and receives several hours of hands-on training per day. In total, your dog will receive 30+ private contact training sessions during one week of Boot Camp.
Repetitive, Reinforced Learning: Your dog spends the entire day in a controlled and structured environment where every decision is guided and reinforced. Many dogs find this situation very therapeutic.
Reduced Stress: Your dog is allowed to work through the challenging early stages of training that many owners may not have the time or knowledge to apply consistently. Your dog will learn desired behaviors through consistent, repetitive reinforcement, thereby extinguishing problematic behaviors without conflict, combat, or stress.
Enhanced Customization: The amount of time the trainer spends with your dog during Boot Camp allows a much deeper understanding of your dog’s unique learning preferences. Specific strategies & exercises are designed for each individual dog. This is especially valuable with difficult behavioral cases.
Required Equipment: An appropriate training collar (no harnesses). If your dog is on a special diet, please provide the trainer with compatible treats.
* Please do not feed your pup in the mornings of Camp; if you’d like, you can bring your dog’s breakfast for the instructor to use as treats for training.